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ArchiEnglish Practice for ESL Architects
Welcome to ArchiEnglish Practice
How it works (3:28)
Session 1 - Start with Why
S1 - Group Discussion: My Architecture Philosophy (87:40)
Session 2 - Your Unique Communication Style
S2 - Group Discussion: Good Communication is ... (84:03)
Follow up Questions
Session 3 - Sustainability Matters
S3 - Group Discussion: How do we design cities for the Future? (103:20)
Session 4 Architecture for the People
S4 - Group Discussion: How can we change the way we design for people (85:09)
Follow up Questions
Session 5 - Your design choices
S5 - Group Discussion: Starting with Why: Presentations, Signposting language and giving feedback (117:03)
Session 6 - Current and emerging social, environmental and professional issues.
S6 - Group Discussion: Presentation about a professional issue relevant to you (95:29)
S1 - Group Discussion: My Architecture Philosophy
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